"UIPATH"="Program Options\Built in Windows Apps\DirectX"
"NAME"="Direct Draw 3"
"TEXT 1"="ForceRefreshRate"
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Forces [hex number: 60 - 300 decimal in Hz (100 Hz used in this example)] custom 2D (and 3D if supported by the video card) video Refresh Rate (redraw vertical frequency) for BOTH the multi-scan CRT monitor AND the graphics accelerator in current video mode [1024x768 in 65,000 colors (16-bit) used here]. Note that selected frequency MUST be supported by BOTH video card AND monitor, otherwise you may damage one or the other! That's why it is VERY IMPORTANT to select the appropriate monitor type in: Control Panel -> System applet -> Device Manager tab -> Monitors -> Your Monitor Name -> Driver tab -> Update Driver...!."
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"=" "
"COMMENT 2"="These tweaks for Direct Draw courtesy of Axcel216@aol.com. See http://users.aol.com/axcel216/newtip18.htm#DXTWK."